Saturday, September 27, 2008


so a lot has happened in these last 2 weeks i got to spend time with the woman i love which is of course most important, the project we've been working on has really taken off ILLEGAL TENDER CLOTHING is something that should be coming out of your mouth if not it is now. We had our first editorial photo shoot and things couldn't get any better we did have some pretty great people model for us who's personalities really were the difference makers in the shoot. Also we had JFG photography who is just incredible. Well now back to the TASK at hand which in my eye for the past 3 months has been the idea of CHANGE. Obama's owned MC-old in the debate tonight and that is something as an -Obama for change- supporter as well as organizer for the Los Angeles area i am truely proud of all the work me as well as others have put into the campain i truely feel liek ive made a difference. To end this is the best way i think i know how the only thing that has me excited is thanksgiving because i get to have a great cosey dinner with the woman i love 67 more days =]

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the YOUTH with no power-the subrejime-of life

frustrated by the oppression and rigid control of the Party, which prohibits free thought, sex, and any expression of individuality. we have gone to a new low when it comes to conforming. What we have hyped as original starts to fade away when a group of people discover the idea of ORIGINAL and take what few have created STYLE. The word that has re-emerged the youth with old IDEA'S and all that we have already seen. We believe that a colorful pair of shoes and a ridiculous hat can help your individuality but its not the clothes that makes the person but the style and ideas you brings to the table. You see this makes you and I different is that i don't need to dress a certain way for people to know my intellect in the world of fashion, music, and business. All of which are used by the government to control us and make us conform you see if you by an object of clothing the "WHITE MAN" makes money if you but anything the white man makes money i only think few are truely capable of understanding what i write i am HALF African American and i do not need to shave my head to know where i am from. I do want a certain group of people to read this blog they know that i am not afraid to speak my mind and my thoughts dont come from "RAPPERS" or other "MUSICIANS" that your ideas or should i say your stolen thoughts come from
MY IDEAS come from questions asked by few men and women able to stand up to the way of life they believe should be fair i am not appressed i am not a race hatter i am simply a person who wants to ask simple questions from which maybe you will learn and form your own questions or opinions but please dont qoute the man who was told what to say but the man who was not affraid to ask you to think
and as for the world and the culture we live in today id rather help you by asking you a questions than destroy you by letting you stay ignorant.


Monday, September 8, 2008

why do you ask a simple question when you dont understand what you learn

the world
has always been open to change
the people that inhabit this great not so GREEN earth are the ones who would rather
DIE than lose what material items they posses
i just want to know why it is that we cannot ask a simple question without a huge crowd gathering in opposition of your ideas
I've recently been discussing many great ideas common men who arent so common have thought of
why is it that we have to ask questions?

its one of the first things we are taught in our youth
you ask a question
and a person gives you the answer
if you think about it most important events come from questions
why is the sky blue?
is the world flat?
why do we have to listen to your government?
all simple questions that have had a great deal of death on there hands per say

but all i want to know is
why our youth tries to show off there knowledge by giving the appearance that they are so much greater in intellect and experience when they are only 15 years old?
dont get me wrong ive taken my fair share of AP classes
but taking the classes doesnt give you the right to look down on people if so id be on the top of the top if you understand what im trying to say
the lectures and the books can only take you so far its the ideas that you make for yourself

the most beautiful girl in all of the world once made that very clear for me
you learn for the sake of learning nothing more nothing less
and i still believe this to be true<3

Thursday, September 4, 2008

election within reach and i think i believe in change

i dont understand how someone can honestly think OBAMA isnt suited to become the next president of the united states of DEBT

SURE he isnt the best suited for the job and sure he doesnt have the EXPERIENCE i mean the last democratic president of the united states had 20 years of experience as a governer but OBAMA has carisma and he has the right people to help him
if you believe that he is in any way like G.W.BUSH your most likely right i mean he has no experience and what happens when you dont know how to do your job? you ask someone to help you
for the last 8 years we've had the wrong people helping the president and this year we have people that helped bring the best 8 years for lower and middle class families throughout the united states
and frankly
i dont understand how we can have SARA PALIN as a VP nominated individual i dont know about the rest of the people who watch the conventions but she said nothing about how she's going to help the united states all she talked about was her pregnant daughter i will give her one thing though she should thank who ever wrote her speech since it made a great impact on many

and as for my opinion you can agree with it or disagree i honestly would love to know your opinions but make them intelligent ones because if all your gonna say is "sara palin is great" then ill just reply with "so is vritney spears "
i did enjoy however the fact that they took that woman out of the crowd in tonights speech so much for FREEDOM of speech and if they even try to cover it with disturbing the peace it will be bull shit since everyone there was yelling there lungs out im surprised john mccain doesnt use a hearing aid
well whatever the case all i want to say is THIS REMINDS me of another great leader
who also imposed change

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

the generation of the gods

LA... a place I've called home for the past 17 years of my life'

somehow blinded by all the pollution
I've had one clear thought
though you may have already heard the word politician is just another way of saying liar
but not only are politicians liars but also great story tellers
most of the people we look to lead us are liars but with these lies comes a great truth

As children we are told to follow our dreams
as adults we are told to make choices
As Americans we are told to follow the AMERICAN dream
the simple facts that most of our choices have been made before maybe not by anyone we know
but maybe by characters we read about or watch on the television set

the only thing we do is BELIEVE
believe that the world is full of characters from novels that somehow manipulate our minds and just hypnotize us with the idea that somehow we can maybe become a character

ALL we do is try to identify ourselves with a sort of character be it from a book a TV show or "LIFE"

ALL we know as human beings is what we learn

THE story of ADAM & EVE and the apply tree is a fable. it is fiction. there was no Adam or EVE. There was no tree of knowledge, but like i said before the story has some truth
how you might think
well in my analysis
the simple story is more than just about two people and their relationship with the "CREATOR"
it is a story about people who grow up. It is about people who gain experience and knowledge. It is about people who exercise their FREEWILL by DISOBEYING AUTHORITY. It is about all these things and much more, somehow even if we try to be original we are all CHARACTERS maybe being human Isn't as great as we believe it to be maybe the world has cultivated is with the seed known as SELF IMAGE the only thing that human beings are more afraid of than being hurt is being looked at.