Friday, October 24, 2008

the status quo

walking into a place where there is nothing but strangers
they all look the same not by what they wear or how they style there hair
but on there ideas they dont break out of the ordinary its almost sad
but the think that is important for you to know is that you are responsible for all of your actions except for being born.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

pennylane records

waking up to a phone call was the start of a beautiful day<3
i saw the sun rise for the first time in a little while

today was my business mid-term
i woke up at 4 30 am so i could study,
made my way to the library and studied right next to pennylane records
by 11:50 am i was ready to take the exam
I think the extra 10 hours of studying really helped me out.
afterward i headed to the hospital
to see a new born baby (my moms friends')
finally got home around 3 talk to my little baby for a while and fell asleep
its been a long day and im currently studying for my political science mid-term
which has to be one of my favorite classes it has made me realize that im a capitalist who thinks like a "red" but please dont get me started on the political structure of a nation especially the one we live in today i can honestly say there is only one person that can truely challenge my ideas and she happens to be my woman<333

if you want to comment do it by answering this question-

what did KARL MARX mean when he stated that capitalism= dead labor

Monday, October 6, 2008

sympathy for the devil

these past few days are have been full of memories that wont be forgotten world wide and one of those is the October second massacre 40 years ago i wont get into detail because most people who I've tried to talk to about it seem really narrow-minded about the subject history tends to repeat itself is something I've heard many times and in the back of my mind it stays just like many other memories. Ive always been the type of person who can store and process more than one thought at a time i am very accurate with most things i try to solve and yet i know nothing. maybe knowing is overrated well actually knowing isn't overrated knowing is the foundation of our minds knowing that you can think makes you certain you are alive but who are you? a soul or a spirit and a better question what is your "MIND" something no one has ever been able to find millions of doctors have opened peoples heads and they've found a brain a skull but never a mind is it all just another puppet show we have grown to believe is real can we find our way out of this circus we call life? maybe all the things we dream can never come true
but you see maybe I'm WRONG maybe what we dream is real because we have to have a basis in order to dream it
if i dream of a purple elephant with pink stars does that mean that in some basis what i am dreaming is real
there are stars and they're are colors and maybe my mind has just altered all of these images in my mind and have just molded them into one dream
so i cannot be certain of many things but i know that i do exist because i have thoughts and you cannot exist without thoughts
I've heard many vague questions in my lifetime
for example
"if a tree falls in the middle of the Forrest does it make a sound"
the answer to that question is NO
when a tree falls it makes a vibration but if there is no producer in other words "EAR" a vibration cannot become a sound therefore it cannot make a sound it can create a vibration that can become a sound but again only if there is an ear to listen

my ideas are not simple images that can be easily corrupted
they are formed arguments that have meaning to whom i am not sure yet but i know that i exist because i am capable of having thought
I'm not just a mindless puppet with strings but a human with thoughts

this blog was inspired by the only clever person i know
my clevergirl


Thursday, October 2, 2008

the odd subject of idealism

So I was planning on writing this on the first of October but i missed it by a couple of minutes. Its not late but i am tired the heat in LA seems to be getting to me =[
well anyway i am glad its Thursday its just one day closer to November AKA thanksgiving. Ive always been a Halloween type of guy but as of last year i look forward to thanks giving almost as much as i do my birthday maybe even more its the time of year that i get out of LA and into the snow with the woman i love =]. and since its October it means 8 more months until STUFF happens Yess.

In a completely different subject today is the V.P. debate which should be good well actually im not expecting much from either party since ive already seen OBAMA own mCCCC-lame never-the-less i will be watching the debate tmrw as i finish my thesis on George BERKELEY and his theory on subjective idealism or Esse est percipi "to be is to be percieved"

well i guess overall can LA get some rain ?