Wednesday, October 22, 2008

pennylane records

waking up to a phone call was the start of a beautiful day<3
i saw the sun rise for the first time in a little while

today was my business mid-term
i woke up at 4 30 am so i could study,
made my way to the library and studied right next to pennylane records
by 11:50 am i was ready to take the exam
I think the extra 10 hours of studying really helped me out.
afterward i headed to the hospital
to see a new born baby (my moms friends')
finally got home around 3 talk to my little baby for a while and fell asleep
its been a long day and im currently studying for my political science mid-term
which has to be one of my favorite classes it has made me realize that im a capitalist who thinks like a "red" but please dont get me started on the political structure of a nation especially the one we live in today i can honestly say there is only one person that can truely challenge my ideas and she happens to be my woman<333

if you want to comment do it by answering this question-

what did KARL MARX mean when he stated that capitalism= dead labor

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