Tuesday, February 24, 2009

paragraph 4

Sometimes I thank god for 1995.
It was my first year of "big boy school" but it was also the year my sister was born. My sisters name isn't important its the actions that came with her birth that changed my life. My mother was happy through-out her pregnancy she would take me on walks with her as she didn't want me to feel as though the love she had for me would leave when my sister was born. She told me how I would be a big brother and as a brother I would have to help with more things around the house. Even my father became more caring it was an awkward yet kind of soothing feeling getting love from both of my parents. A couple of weeks before my sister was born my mom decided that I should get one last gift as an only child before she bought me the gift she said that somethings would change and in the long run everything would be okay I didn't know why she said that at first my mind could barely wrap the thought of me getting a bicycle. It was the cool thing to have at the time well at least for me. My mom made my dad promise me he would learn how to ride my new bicycle the first day my dad was showing me how to ride a bicycle my mother went into labor my dad left me in my grandmothers house while he went to the hospital with my mom. The days went by until I finally got to see my sister she was a beautiful baby just like the ones you see in commercials. When I walked to my moms hospital bed she didn't look at me I asked her how she was doing and she wouldn't respond I felt as if my mom was mad at me. I asked my dad but he didn't really say much all he muttered was"she's gonna be okay". He couldn't even look at her when he said it. He gave her this glare of hate I remember the look becuase its the same look he gave me everytime he was upset with me. The weeks went by and I was still at my grandmothers house I asked my dad when I could go back home and he said "not for a while" I asked him how my baby sister was and how my mom was, he just said "there fine quit asking so many questions" so I asked him when we could to the park so he could teach me how to ride a bicycle.... he simply said to me "never" I began to cry and my grandmother asked him to leave. I didn't know what was going on I didn't know why my parents were acting so weird I didn't know why my grandmother watched so many hours of television I didn't know anything in life and I simply began to cry I didn't stop for a couple of hours. Finally my grandmother came into my room and said to me that my mother and father loved me she said to me how I wasn't going to see my family for a little while she said that as long as you know that they love you everything will be okay. I didn't though I should have told my grandma then and there that I didn't know that my parents loved me I didn't know what to do all I knew as that I wanted to learn how to ride a bicycle and I didn't see why that wasn't going to happen. Suddenly I felt the arms of my grandmother holding me close she said to me that love was something that never went away she said people go through many things in life and one of them was love I asked her what she meant and she told me "when your older you will find a girl who you will love and you will marry her" I said " how will I know she's the one?"
She said to me "you only have one heart you can only give your heart to one person in your life time you can't ask for it back all you can do is hope that the person takes care of it" I said "how will I know who the person is" and she said "that everyone has a partner in life, a soulmate, when god made you he also made a special girl so you could share everything with." She said that I would know when I found her because my heart would tell me and whenever things got hard I would ask my heart and it would guide me threw life.
All I could think about at the time was that she said I have to share everything with this person.
I said " even my bicycle " she said "yes" I thought about it for a while how was I suppose to share my bicycle when I didn't know how to ride it. I felt as if maybe me not knowing how to ride it would stop me from ever finding that special person. To this day I don't know how to ride a bicycle I found the person my grandmother talked to me about when I was a little boy and it happened just as she said I've given my heart my corazon to someone already I can't ask for it back because it doesn't belong to me anymore I wish my grandmother wouldve told me how much it hurts when you fall inlove but I do remember she said that when your heart tells you its the right person you should never doubt it just trust your heart and everything will be okay and that's what life comes down too in the end of the day the sunsets the clouds vanishes the sky gets dark but your world remains the same you still have love, love is never lost but the world tends to try to make things hard for love but don't give up on love don't be afraid to give your heart away and overall don't ask for it back because you only have one heart
And once upon a life time love exists and that love won't ever end trust the one person you gave your heart too because that person trusted you with there heart and you know that your taking care of it everyday simply thank god because even though right no at this very moment you feel the love is gone it isn't so smile because your heart is okay in this chest of mine and once you decide to come home so will you.....

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