Friday, March 20, 2009

hear i am lord, a LEGEND TONIGHT

its sometimes funny
when i think about the music over the years
all everyone has done is repeat or steal the originality of few
the immortals never stole they never lied they never cared for being praised
you see the immortals don't care for the approval of anyone
fuck to tell you the truth the immortals don't give a fuck not anymore
you can pretend to be one of us
you can pretend not to care
but all your doing is making yourself look bad
at least to us the immortals
we don't try
we don't need to post anything new
we don't need to keep the world updated
all we need is a place to tell our story
that's what i've chosen to do
you see 'ive got to hand it to me

looks like its me and you again tonight

here i am lord
here i am standing on my own two feet
the man i've always been
the man with strength
and the man with heart
the man that has never given up
the man that isn't perfect
but is honest
you know lord
i heard sometime ago
that people try to run from men like me
they run to the dishonest
because at least the dishonest will always be dishonest
its the honest ones you have to watch out for
its funny now that i think about it
all i've done has made me the man i am today
an equal part of a society that isn't perfect but is good enough for me to enjoy the splendors of life
i'm not in a bubble
i dont need to run around and pretend to be
something because ive always been me
and that isnt going to change
love is something that i treasure
love is something that i feel
love is something that i welcome
but not something i give often
or at all
i wont be pushed away from this not anymore
because today as sun sets and the moon rises
i walk
i walk into the fight of my life
but i dont walk scared
i dont walk with uncertainty
ive already won this fight
my hands they tell a story
they are the ones that hold you dear
they flow threw your body
almost perfectly in form
there the only ones that can hold you the way youve wanted to
they sway with your body in a motion that only gods can know off
they touch you everywhere and you love it
they're soft and there powerful
their strength keeps you safe
and the feel keeps you soft
they fit perfectly
unlike any other
just like in a cold night when the draft
fills you with shivers
youll turn to the right of your bed
looking for these hands these arms you call home
this heart you call yours
this love you walk all over
you push it away but you dont forget it
you cant its the real deal
just when you think its fading
just when you think its gone
i whisper in your ear
its a secret
only you can know about
my weapon is the instrument of love
my enemy is nothing but a waste of space
my love it consumes me
my anger never shown
for a man a well respected man is what ive always been known
to be
i hold my head up high
not because im any better
but because i know im right
i never lied even though i could have
i never cheated even though i could have
and i never ever ever questioned my love
because somethings you just know
and somethings your scared of
im not scared of anything

because im a LEGEND TONIGHT

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