Thursday, March 19, 2009

paragraph 7 1997 prt 2/ I'm a dreamer

The second part of this year is the part I hate the most
Its the part that won't ever ever make me feel like I can trust anything or anyone anymore. I don't take kindly to people that hurt me especially if they do it twice
You know
They say becareful with who you trust
I made that mistake once but not anymore.
It was the first time I felt defeated
I was 7 years old and in trouble not with my parents but in school. I wasn't the trouble maker at school but for that day I was the most wanted child on campus not the best thing if your 7.
I had gotten in my first fight his name was manuel abad I had to take him down he was bigger than me
But not stronger. I remember closing my eyes for 2 seconds and when I opened my eyes again he was on the floor crying I didn't do anything I just walked away. The next thing I remember is being in the office
The principle asked me why I did it
I lied and said I saw it on tv
It wasn't true but that's probably what she wanted to hear it would make her job even easier
She said to me "what number do I call to reach your parents" I didn't know and she believed me sometimes she looked at me as though she felt sorry for me
I don't like peoples pitty.
After my moms meeting with the principle she said "your grandmother is picking you up goodbye"
I hated that word goodbye
I remember saying that there would be no more goodbyes
But I found out today that its what peter pan who said you don't say goodbye because goodbye leads to growing up and when you grow up you stop being a child
I'm glad you taught me how to smile
I'm glad you opened my eyes
I was in a bubble of my own
I was in a bubble of hate and anger
But all that is gone now
I don't hate someone because they aren't worth my feeling
I don't have any anger because when I feel I might Ill think of you
You taught me how to speak little mime
Its funny at times to think about how close minded I had been even if I'm just a child I'm a child with dreams and not everyone can dream
I'm going to learn how to ride a bike its going to be a blue bike because blue is the color of a dreamer and I'm a dreamer

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